My Hero Project Lesson Seven: Free Writing Exercise |
(First Draft)
50 minutes
Grade level: 18-19, students
Materials Needed:
Paper & pens
1. To write a first draft about their heroes and heroines
1. Explain to participants that they have to write a first draft about their heroes and heroines.Teacher distributes the worksheets, participants start to write their piece.
Tip: Teacher may conduct this activity in two separate sessions, one to write the first draft and one to checking the first draft in pairs.
Sample of the Hand Out
My Hero Project
Free writing Exercise
After researching about your hero, now it is time to write about him or her to share it with your classmate. Use this plan while you are writing your piece. Your piece of writing should be clear and interesting.
A plan to follow:
Paragraph one:
What does the word "hero" mean to you?
What are the qualities of a hero (What is a hero like?)
What are the actions of a hero (What does a hero do?)
Paragraph two:
Who is your hero? Talk about his/her family background and educational background.
Paragraph three:
What did he/she do in order to be considered as a heroic? How did he/she do it?
Paragraph Four:
Why did you choose this person as your hero?
Paragraph five:
Why is it important to have heroes in our life?
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